About *

Exvius is a clique (or club which is used interchangeably) debuted on 2020 and is a pixel clique revival project after the original Crystal Guardian clique, owned by Evey, disappeared off the net. The name derived from the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. It's a fun little clique where you select your favorite Final Fantasy character and display them on your site. Peruse through other characters that are protecting other crystals as well. Regardless if you're new to the Final Fantasy franchise or not, everyone is welcome to join the clique.

Part of:

* Layout Info

Version 2 of Exvius features the main protagonists in various Final Fantasy installments using the beautiful design of Nomura Tetsuya. The idea of changing to a new layout was kept in limbo for an amazingly long time. Still, I'm proud to say I've finished it as the previous theme was in a dire need of change. This design is best viewed on resolutions 1600x900 or higher. Fonts used are Playfair Display, Fjalla One, Roboto Condensed, and Alegreya Sans. To view other major resources, you can find them via Memento.

* Link Buttons

Need to link to this clique? Here are some buttons for you to choose from, but a text link is fine as well. Should you feel the peculiar urge to donate, please proceed here.

* Links Out

Cliques associated with Exvius or cliques which I'm particularly fond of.